Celebrating a local hero – with local heroes
Everywhere in the world, Panadol is viewed as a local brand.
To celebrate this local hero, we went hyper-local, identifying local heroes who go to great pains for their community, and creating unique assets for every market.
No 3D cutaways of the product working.
No hackneyed shots of a busy executive having a headache at work.
Just gritty, honest films that revealed real social pains in each market, and the very real heroes who meet these pains with strength; supported by digital and social campaigns that encouraged viewers to follow in our heroes' footsteps.
This grew, organically, into the most successful Panadol Extra campaign in history, now in its 5th year running.
I led and executed 17 of the initial localised campaigns around the world, from South America to the Netherlands.
The campaign not only changed the way Panadol is marketed, but also the way I see the world.
Here are a couple of the best films.
Baraa Luhaid Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Hard to imagine, but even today, it’s illegal for women to cycle for recreation in Saudi Arabia. Meet Baraa, the gutsy woman who is changing all that.
Orlando Beltran Bogota, Colombia
Bogota is home to some of the wealthiest people in Colombia, but at the city’s fringes you’ll also find some of the poorest. Orlando has made it his mission to help them off the street.